Anthology II (1978-1988)
This album is a compilation of songs I wrote and recorded long ago, taken from three "albums" (remember albums)? -- Thoughts of Why (1978), Past the Nightwatch (1985), and The Real World (1988).
The Thoughts of Why tracks from 1978 include: Art Lande, Mark Isham, Paul McCandless of "Oregon," John Scofield and David Samuels.
The Real World was an album that included some great San Francisco rock players including guitarist Stef Burns of "The Alice Cooper Band." The backup vocals were sung by me, Teresa Trull, Bonnie Hayes, and Vickie Randall, who sang back up for Aretha Franklin. (That's the closest I ever got to Aretha Franklin!) But Vickie is pretty awesome in her own right.
Also of note, the drums on The Real World were all created via "drum machine." I arranged and programmed all the songs, which even though they still sound quite good, took me forever. I vowed from then on to revert back to programming humans.
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks
Gary Marks